Special exhibition experience
Metaverse Exhibition and art platform

space without physical restrictions

Remember the exhibition you want to see again

Various promotional strategies
With beautiful scenery, expansive art exhibitions, and concerts.
We invite you
to connect with others, share your desires, and realize your dreams.
We are working hard to create opportunities for
all the passionate artists
and lovers out there.
Interact with our elegantly crafted spaces
which guaranteed to take your
digital world experience to new heights.
Introducing the services we are making.
MY ME is your metaverse avatar; your aspect personified and reimagined by you. Rediscover yourself through MY ME and with it, a fresh new start.
Approaching another avatar triggers their icon and pressing it takes you to their space.
Even after logging out, your avatar can still be present in the metaverse world as an NPC.
Popular avatars can spawn in the world, implemented with our AI System.
Basic space is provided free of charge.
Items, music, space expansion, etc.
Can be purchased with MAUM goods in
the service
There is.
Their various stories you can include text, photos, audio, video, etc.
There is.
It is
a lifelogging service that allows you to communicate with your friends.
The more communication such as 'favorite', 'like', 'comment' and 'share', the more My Space becomes a more attractive hot spot.
Concept can be explained through text, audio and video.
NFT minting,
exhibition and sale of works created or owned by me.
This gallery is for users with the "Artist" title.
You can invite
friends to your gallery by sharing a link or QR.
You can receive likes, comments, and
overall feedback of your work.
This gallery is for users with the "Special Artist" and "Special
Collector" title.
The main Artist, or in the case of absence, a Docent can take the
role of the Curator.
Your Special Gallery will be put on a popular location, making
it easily accessible to any one.
We Strive to create a better world where experiences are cherished and shares,
and where imagination becomes reality.
Through the infrastructure, talented writers
We help you grow as a
global artist.
We examine the characteristics of media in the metaverse space.
We aim
to display the
works of artists according to their intentions by making the most of them.
By combining the original collection value and the infinite expansion
function of
digital content,
A leader in the art market that will revolutionize the art
Authenticate works by linking existing works of artists with NFT
All digital works owned by the artist are NFTized to protect intellectual re-election rights and increase sales opportunities
Ensuring the rights of writers through legal advice
Target customized art product planning through data analysis and suggestions
International lawyer and world-class art appraiser
We provide
professional Legal
Advice to protect your artist's IP
Consulting for writers or buyers
Introducing the business we offer.
Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928-2000)
Nicolas Bourriaud (1965~)
Marcel Proust (1871-1922)
Unlike existing art platforms,
we provide a realistic user experience
through the promotion of galleries in the metaverse.
space without physical restrictions
Remember the exhibition you want to see again
Various promotional strategies
Fantastic Island is a replica of the real Jeju Island. It is a space where fantastic productions also exist
彼岸 (彼岸) in the meaning of the mound beyond the river Pian (彼岸) It is a relative word for the mound on this side in religion or philosophy, i.e. Chaan (此岸: referring to the present world) It means to transcend from the world.
We provide a hyper-connected metaverse art gallery that crosses the border between virtual and real.
Launch event, media promotion
Sales expansion based on brand promotion effect data
Collaboration with event agencies and recruitment of experts
Secure corporate customers with reasonable price policy(lock-in strategy)
Fantastic Island is a replica of the real Jeju Island. It is a space where fantastic productions also exist.
Experience the fanstastic virtual exhibition right now!
Fantastic Island is a replica of the real Jeju Island It is a space where fantastic productions also exist
heart sharing system
Reproduce the nature of Jeju Island
Fantastic way to travel Jeju Island
Through the metaverse service, Fantastic Island we will focus on sustainability in not only the environment, but also in the cultural, social and human aspects.
Metaverse Jeju Travel Service Fantastic Issland provides a variety of experiences that are familiar to us.
Fantastic Island is a metaverse social platform that allows you to feel a new way of communication and experience in a virtual Jeju space.
In this place where you can get away from your daily life and meet a new self, you can create your own character, decorate your home, meet friends, and engage in various activities that happen in real life.
Fantastic Island is a replica of the real Jeju Island. It is a space where fantastic productions also exist.
The Crossing Lab aims to help more people draw their own dreams and connect with people who can share their hearts through the metaverse social platform
Forest Walk
Introducing the members who are making this wonderful world.
Creative Director
Art Director
3D Animator
3D Artist
3D Artist
3D Artist
3D Artist
Head of
Lead Back-end
Unreal Engine
Client Engineer
Unreal Engine
Client Engineer
Unreal Engine
Client Engineer
Unreal Engine
Client Engineer
Unreal Engine
Client Engineer
Project Manager
Contents Designer
Project Manager